Nordplus project Sustainability: Global Problems and Local Solutions. Students’ conference in Estonia, Haapsalu, 8-13 October 2023: Sustainable Natural Environment. Day 1

On the first day, we had our conference opened by the headteacher of Läänemaa Ühisgümnaasium Gina Metssalu. That was followed up with the introductory presentation on the topic of Sustainability by the Nordplus project Coordinator Katja Mokhovikova.

We continued with ice-breaker games which helped us to get to know each other better and become close and personal with everyone .

After a small break, we presented the homework that we had prepared about our hometowns: Haapsalu, Tampere and Asnæs. Each of us presented the positive and negative aspects of the nature of our hometowns. All of us also prepared a small introduction to our schools.

Afterwards, we headed to the town hall and met the Haapsalu city administration.
We listened to a presentation by Deputy Mayor Helen Rammu about the Sustainability of Haapsalu's natural environment and the projects that have been carried out in this area.

We ended the day with a group project where we had to go around and look for signs of Sustainability in Haapsalu, note them down and take pictures to present our case in class.


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