Nordplus project Sustainability: Global Problems and Local Solutions. Students’ conference in Estonia, Haapsalu, 8-13 October 2023: Sustainable Natural Environment. Day 3


  • Field trip to Veskijärve-Nõva-Peraküla - photos

  • During the field trip, we will learn about logging, well-preserved old forests, and burnt forest areas. We will hike in the habitats of the very rare species and see that cutting down trees is necessary to protect them.

On the third day, we had our second field trip to the area of ​​Nõva. Our first stop was at the Dunes of Veskijärve, where a big forest fire happened several years ago. Our guide Marko Valker talked about rare species living in this special environment, and we saw the enormous fire-damaged area. We have also learned that the forest fire created beneficial conditions for some local species.

Then we drove to the Nõva nature preservation area and went on a little hike there. We talked about the importance of biodiversity in the forest and how it has been rapidly decreasing in the last centuries due to random cutting.

We had our lunch at Peraküla beach, where we got to have a look at the beautiful sea. Some of us even took the chance and tried running back and forth with the waves, trying not to get wet. Our last stop was also in the forest, it was quite short but we got to discuss the disadvantages of digging big ditches in the forest, for example, the bad effects it has on soil.


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